Playing among natural elements blooming within the fragrance of spring colors will give your child memories for a lifetime. It is their stage to let out their restless energy cocooned within the walls of their well-secured house.
And to make the most out of it, there’s no better option than getting your kid enrolled in a spring camp. An outdoor activity set in the daytime melody of a spring camp provides your child with the opportunity to build cordial friendships and develop a sense of social identity and well-being. Unstructured environments help children create their own social world and make independent decisions. This way, they experience consequences of their actions which builds up their confidence.
Aventura Parks’ Spring Break Camp Is Here!
Based on this notion, Aventura Parks, an outdoor adventure park in Dubai, has introduced its spring break camp jam-packed with thrilling activities amidst the Ghaf tree forest. Our management has specifically designed it to encourage child’s learning and development in a healthy environment.
This spring camp is ideal for children of age 5 to 16 years who are eager to engage in various activities such as social cooperation, rough and tumble, games with rules and more. It will keep kids captivated through zip-lining, art and science, natural trail, animal care, orienteering skills and team-building activities.
You can book a one day and one week camp at AED 240 and AED 840. So let your children play, roll and jump from March 28 to April 08; 09:00 am to 06:00 pm.
Need more convincing? Here are the following essential skills that will accelerate your child’s cognitive, physical and emotional development:
Survival Skills – Rising Up To The Challenge
Today’s society neglects the significance of risk for children’s learning and development. A culture of fear clouding parents’ minds has led us to underestimate children’s capabilities. Unconsciously, our society has built up an even more dangerous learning environment where children are unable to learn.
In Aventura’s spring camp, learning opportunities emerge in situations such as how to build a shelter, how to use a compass, how to build a fire and much more. This way, survival skills such as persistence, entrepreneurship, self-knowledge, and problem-solving flourish.
When children feel empowered, and their conjured-up imagination finally surfaces in an open-door environment, they do not hesitate to engage in adventures. Exposure to unexpected situations showcases their creativity, which helps them to survive. It will help them master the feelings of happiness and success when they overcome a challenge without the overbearing shadows of their parents.
Teamwork – No More Hiding From Group Effort!
This astonishing spring camp can provide exciting conditions for children to explore elements of their personalities that do not generally surface during the time spent within.
In addition, less disagreement occurs during outside play, and children prefer to collaborate with one another more. The qualities of an open and unexpected environment allow youngsters to build cooperative objectives, leading to experiences of camaraderie among peers.
Aventura Parks’ spring camp enables children to transform themselves into teachers and learners. It will help to share their knowledge and skills in order to accomplish various challenges. By performing outdoor team building activities, they develop empathy, and learn many other skills. Furthermore, children begin to understand each other’s feelings and needs in a better way.
When children play in nature with other children, one-on-one interactions emerge. There are fewer disagreements on a playground because kids are challenged in open and unexpected settings of our spring camp, which motivates them to collaborate.
Learning Skills – Contact With Animals And Plants
Aventura Parks’ action-packed spring camp offers a unique stimulus that easily grasps children’s attention and interest. They explore sticks, rocks, flowers, soil, water and more with curiosity and sparks the drive to learn.
The sensation of discovery and interest impacts meaningful learning and enables the formation of an emotional connection to one’s surroundings. If we think that attitudes of respect and care are more likely to arise when something is dear to us, it is critical to foster a sense of belonging and familiarity with nature from a young age. It will support ecological and sustainable behaviors throughout life.
Additionally, activities involving soil and water can be used to illustrate learning opportunities in which topics linked to mathematics, science, or language were promoted in an integrated manner. To illustrate, as children fill and empty containers multiple times, they are able to examine concepts such as weight, volume, and time. Also, they learn new vocabulary while sharing their experiences.
Strategic Thinking – Building Up Strategies!
Our spring camp features activities that will encourage children to think strategically. Interacting with natural areas encourages youngsters to learn by doing and testing out new ideas. Children think, question, and form theories in nature, developing curious minds.
In simple words, they are constantly learning whether they are estimating the distance between two pebbles before leaping or wondering where insects go in the winter.
Children acquire resilience and confidence when they take chances, try and fail, and try again. Learning through trial-and-error tightens the screws of their minds, motivating them to devise a new innovative strategy to solve the puzzle.
Into The Wilderness Of Spring Camp!
Aventura Parks is one of the most wowing amusement parks in Dubai that welcomes children to become acquainted with nature and its elements. It develops essential skills within children that will benefit them in the future. So, let your children explore the flora and fauna of UAE at our spring camp this year!